Paul’s words are a healthy reminder to all of us. We become content with our faith. We are comfortable with where we are in our walk with God. Often, the Christian thing-to-do is not always the most popular and Paul challenges us to move beyond our comfort zone. For this reason, we are called to be “fools for the sake of Christ.” Dr. Jackson offered his take on this Scripture and suggested that the word fool could also be interpreted as clown. The analogy of the clown is fantastic! While “fool” carries a very negative connotation, the “clown” encompasses a richer understanding. Using “clown” he speaks of what is entailed in being a “fool” for Christ:
1. The clown/fool for Christ’s sake does the unexpected; the extraordinary, the unusual.
Do these sound like the characteristics of your life? It’s contrary to our natural tendencies, where we seek to serve ourselves and operate out of comfort. God’s Word, however, continually challenges us to move out of our comfort zones and do the unexpected, love our neighbors, humble ourselves, and celebrate the Life that has graciously given to us! God’s Word challenges us to be clowns for Christ’s sake, with everything that entails.
Dr. Jackson ended his sermon with a tale regarding a conference when he was speaking on this very passage from 1 Corinthians 4. Before he offered the closing prayer, a young woman began to play on her guitar the tune of that Broadway song, “Send in the Clowns." Spontaneously, and through God’s Spirit, she sang this:
“All through the world, all throughout life, people seek answers to sin, freedom, and strife. Send in the clowns. We are the clowns. Send in the clowns.”
We are the clowns. Send in the clowns. Amen!