The Delta Presbytery of the Synod of the Nile planted the Kasr El Dobara Church back in 1940. The Rev. Ibrahim Said was elected as the church's first pastor. He was called the "golden mouthed preacher," which referred to his eloquence and his mastery over words. (No one, to date, has called me a "golden mouthed preacher," nor do I expect they ever will!) The church was given a permit by the king of Egypt in 1944, and they built a beautiful building and sanctuary (pictured above). Ask them to talk about the history of the church, however, and they won't tell you about the building or even the sanctuary, but rather, they want to share about the real church, the faithful men and women of the congregation, who seek to follow God and His direction.
The folks at Kasr El Dobara are doing innovative things. They are considered "progressive" when compared to the rest of the denomination, in terms of their ministries. Are they about the latest church ministry programs? No. In their words, they are simply trying to obey God and be faithful to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I couldn't help but think of our own church and wonder what the future entails. We are a church rooted in a great history. The sanctuary is magnificent. Everyone in Yakima knows the tower. However, a church (as our brothers and sisters in Egypt remind us) is not the building, it is the people who strive to follow Jesus, not just on Sunday mornings, but each and every day. We are a church committed to deepening our relationship with Jesus, so that we can love God and love our neighbors.
The second picture is one of a stained glass window behind the pulpit at the Kasr El Dobara Church. Clearly, it is an image of Jesus on the cross. What a beautiful reminder of who it is we follow!
During that 75th anniversary celebration of First Presbyterian Church of Yakima, Dr. Koehler went on to say, "This is our challenge for all future events and programs, that we are faithful to the glorious gospel and to the church of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!" My hope and prayer is that, as we look to the future of FPC, we would have the courage and faithfulness to follow Him, wherever He might lead!
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